Our specialist 23ft HI-POD camera mast systems enable us to provide the optimum view of any match, from park pitches to Premier League stadiums.

Elevated HD footage from any venue

The HI-POD is manually operated by one of our trained Camera Operatives who follows the flow of play and zooms in/out to ensure all of the action is captured.

UK-wide coverage

With regional hubs in the North West, Midlands and South East England, we have a network of camera operators across the UK who can cover any game, anywhere!

Easy transfer of footage

Footage is uploaded to our secure online video sharing platform within 48 hours of your match. Your footage can then be viewed and shared online, or it can be downloaded and burned to multiple DVDs or saved to memory stick. Our robust Privacy Policy ensures that the transfer and storage of all footage is fully GDPR compliant.

Trained operators

All of our camera operators are fully trained and, where required, have relevant DBS checks.


We offer discounts for multiple game bookings as follows:

No. of games


Price per game













*Prices inclusive of VAT
*We also charge travel expenses at 35p per mile from our nearest available operator


Since 2017, we have regularly used FilmMyMatch’s nationwide team of operatives to film a range of our national age group fixtures and tournaments. They consistently provide a professional, reliable and high-quality service and we intend to continue working with them in the future.
— Rhys Long, Head of Performance Analysis & Insight, The Football Association
We have been hugely impressed with FilmMyMatch who have filmed all 600+ ESPFA league and cup fixtures since 2016, providing high-quality, elevated video footage that has been central to the growth of our Academy programme during this time. Their commitment to detail and reliability throughout our partnership has been excellent. We highly recommend their services.
— Eliteform (English Semi-Professional Football Academy)
In addition to their high-quality, elevated footage, FilmMyMatch has constantly sought to innovate and enhance their service to add value to the activities of the club.
— Tom Fleming, Chairman, Bowdon RUFC
As a forward-thinking club with ambitions to progress through the leagues, the elevated footage captured by FilmMyMatch has been essential to our continued improvement as a team and ability to retain and attract top players.
— Rob Walsh, First Team Manager, Altrincham Hale FC